Our trainers conducted trainings for teenagers in regions

On February 10, trainings for teenagers were held in our regions (Jalilabad and Bilasuvar) under the joint organization of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Youth Development and Career Center.
At the trainings aimed at legal education, trainers-experts of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Vusala Muradkhanli, Araz Abdullasoy and Ismail Musayev made presentations on the topics “Early marriages”, “Domestic violence”, “Legal liability for insults and defamation in social media” and “The Right to Education: Studying Abroad”.On February 10, trainings for teenagers were held in our regions (Jalilabad and Bilasuvar) under the joint organization of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, the Youth Foundation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Youth Development and Career Center.
At the trainings aimed at legal education, trainers-experts of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Vusala Muradkhanli, Araz Abdullasoy and Ismail Musayev made presentations on the topics “Early marriages”, “Domestic violence”, “Legal liability for insults and defamation in social media” and “The Right to Education: Studying Abroad”.

Published : 10-02-2023

Views : 38