A Training Session Conducted for Penitentiary Service Personnel

From May 13th to 15th, the Institute of Law and Human Rights conducted a three-day “Training of Trainers” (TOT) for employees of the Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The training sessions were organized with the aim of enhancing the knowledge of Penitentiary Service personnel in the field of human rights, concurrently fostering their capacities as proficient trainers.

A Vice Chairman of the Institute's Board Mr. Vafaddin Ibaev, Head of the Human Rights Training and Expertise Department, Mrs. Vusala Muradkhanli, Head of the Communications and International Relations Department, Mr. Ilgar Agasiyev, along with the expert trainers Mr. Hamlet Babayev, Mr. Heydar Hasan oghlu Aliyev, and legal researchers Ms. Gulnaz Alasgarova and Mr. Araz Abdullasoy delivered presentations during the training sessions.

Throughout the training sessions, participants gave detailed explanations of the training conducting rules, organization and methodology of the training, international legal protection of human rights, the Constitution and human rights, the European Prison Rules, the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (SMRs), the Rules of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), and other pertinent subjects.

At the conclusion of the training programme, certificates were conferred upon the 10 Penitentiary Service personnel who actively participated in the training session.

Published : 15-05-2024

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