Professor Ali Rzayev conducted training for the staff members of the Institute

On November 29, Professor Ali Rzayev conducted training for the Institute's staff on the topic “The essence and problems of management”.
At the training, the speaker outlined the essence, consistency and mechanism of management, analyzed its place and role in human life, in the public administration system - the state, the state apparatus and public service, in social, political and legal aspects.
At the training, the concepts of subject and object in management were revealed, the impossibility of effective management activity without structuring was substantiated, and the issues of integrity and hierarchy of management were also raised.
The professor gave an idea about the concept of “cybernetics” in management, and also informed the staff that the founder of the science of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, proved that cybernetics is a self-regulating dynamic control system. Based on the provisions of cybernetics, Ali Rzayev spoke in detail about the application of the control system in technical and natural sciences, economics, law, psychology, sociology and other sciences based on cybernetics.
In conclusion, the issues of increasing the activity of carrying out work in the field of legal regulation of public administration, the success that executives can achieve in their management activities were discussed, and answers were given to questions.

Published : 29-11-2022

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