Round table entitled “The following exposure of the fake Armenian genocide”

The Scientific-Research Institute on Human Rights of ANAS held the Round Table entitled “The following exposure of the fake Armenian genocide” on April 23, 2016.

The event was opened with the presentation of the film produced by the Caucasus Historical Centre under the Institute of Social and Political Studies “AZER-GLOBE”, “ATV” TV channel, the Scientific-Research Institute on Human Rights of ANAS about the prohibited period of the history of Azerbaijan and Armenia.  The ideas of the Russian and Armenian politicians and scientists, as well as  for the first time, the unique documents on the history of Azerbaijan from the archives of Russia, Turkey, Georgia were presented in the film. At the same time, the film included the information on the historical facts about when, how and whence the Armenians came to the Caucasus.

The vice-president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the chairman of the Committee on Science and Education of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, academician Isa Habibbayli and the experts of the Scientific-Research Institute on Human Rights of ANAS- Rizvan Huseynov, Anar Isgandarli, Abbas Islamov and others came to the conclusion that in fact, the Armenian genocide is nothing more than nonsense on the basis of the strong arguments and the reports by famous American politician Bruce Fein, US High Commissioner Admiral Bristol, British politician Admiral Chester, as well as based on the research conducted by the world's leading scientists at Stanford Shaw, Justine Makkar, Hitomi Lourin – professor of the Princeton University, Norman Stone - the British historian and professor, an American professor Gunther Levi, Turkish scientist Mehmet Perincek.

      Then the speakers mentioned that it is very important to raise awareness for the young generation about all the crimes committed by Armenians highlighting the aggressive policy of Armenia which lasted for centuries in our lands, the measureless material and moral damage to us, and the atrocities committed by the international Armenian terror.

The fact that the fake genocide committed against Armenians does not based on  any historical document, and even the Armenian scientists have not revealed the fact about the fake genocide was proved during the discussions with the strong arguments. And there was the exchange of views on the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan, the several aspects of the issues on the role of the international organizations, non-governmental organizations to denounce genocide.

Officials from different organizations, representatives of different institutions, experts, researchers, academics, as well as, youth and media representatives attended the event.

Published : 23-04-2016

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