Rovshan Mustafayev, 10 years since his death…

Ten years have passed since the untimely death of Professor Rovshan Faig oglu Mustafayev, the first director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS and the first political scientist in the South Caucasus.
On February 20, 2019, a memorial report dedicated to the 10th anniversary of R. Mustafayev's death was prepared on the initiative of "Sada" TV presenter. The report appeared due to the interview with close friends on the grave of the deceased professor. Outstanding scientist of Azerbaijan, great citizen Rovshan Faik oglu Mustafayev was born on October 5, 1960 in Baku in an intellectual family.
In 1977, he entered the Faculty of Philology of the Azerbaijan State University and graduated from higher education in 1982.
In 1988, he defended his thesis at the Azerbaijan State University, and in the same year published "Songs of Mirza Shafi Vazeha" in "Yazici" publishing house. Forgotten and little-known Russian translations".
In 1990-1992 R. Mustafayev created specialized cultural societies for study of ethnosystems "Chesmya" and "Gunaydin", a year later expanding the range of research, established the Institute of Azerbaijani State Construction and International Relations.
“Dirchelish XXI Century" magazine was published as a scientific publication of the Institute, and R. Mustafayev was the director of the Institute and editor-in-chief of the magazine. The publication is the first socio-political and scientific journal of the region.
As political completion of his researches in the field of political science, Rovshan Faik oglu Mustafayev was the first in the South Caucasus to be awarded the scientific degree of Doctor of Political Science by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the specialty of "political science" established for the first time.
In 1998, the Decree of the President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev the Human Rights Research Institute was established at the National Academy of Sciences in order to speed up and improve the quality of the reforms carried out, and by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS, the organization and management of the new research center was entrusted to Rovshan Mustafayev.
The first director of the Institute, the first political scientist in the South Caucasus R. Mustafayev headed the research center until his death in 2009. He created his own school of political science. Dozens of well-known scientists are graduates of the school of R. Mustafayev.
In July 2007, by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded the title of professor on "International relations and political problems of global development".
In 2008, Professor R.Mustafayev was awarded the Diploma of the Presidium of ANAS.
Along with his creative work, R. Mustafayev was actively involved in the social and political life of the republic. He was the lawyer of the national leader Heydar Alirz oglu Aliyev during the presidential elections of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1998. By the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Board of Editors of the National Encyclopedia, he was appointed a member of the State Commission for the Affairs of the Citizens Captured, Missing and Hostage-Taken.
The invaluable work of an unforgettable scientist was highly appreciated. The Rovshan Mustafayev International Foundation has established a medal and certificate named after Rovshan Mustafayev, provided once a year.
The First Lady of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva and Vice-president of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and head of the IDEA Public Association Mrs. Leyla Aliyeva were awarded this award for the first time.
Rovshan Mustafayev died on 20 February 2009 at the age of 49 in Istanbul, Turkey, at the Memorial Hospital after a long illness.
Rest in peace!

Published : 20-02-2019

Views : 78