Educational events on the topic “The fight against drugs is the way to a healthy future” were held in schools of the Surakhani, Nizami and Sabunchu districts

The Institute of Law and Human Rights together with the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, conducted educational events dedicated to the fight against drugs in several schools in Baku.

The events on the topic “Fight against the drugs is the way to a healthy future” took place on May 21 at Surakhani district school No. 87, on May 22 at Nizami district school No. 61, and on May 23 at Sabunchu district school-lyceum No. 252. The purpose of the events is to educate teenagers and young people about the negative impact of drugs on society and people’s health, as well as, to raise awareness, and increase social activity in this direction.

At the event, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Institute Vafaddin Ibayev, along with trainers Amrah Rahimli, Gunay Abasova, and Aygün Arifli delivered educational presentations. Judge of the Surakhani District Court Narmina Rzayeva, Police Lieutenant Colonel Afgan Agayev, Head of the department for organizing preventive work with minors of Surakhani District Police Office, inspector of the department for organizing preventive work with minors of Nizami District Police Office Nurana Fataliyeva, judge of Nizami District Court Gumru Aliyeva, and judge of Sabunchu District Court Elnura Rajabova, shared their interesting experiences with students.

Within the framework of the events, the director of school No. 87, Elmira Alekperova, emphasized the harmful effects of drug addiction on the human body and highlighted it as a serious social issue posing a threat to the nation. The director of school No. 61, Zenfira Shikhaliyeva, said that drugs are a source of danger for everyone, regardless of the social status of citizens.

A total of 295 students and teachers took part in the events organized with the special support of the State Agency for Preschool and General Education under the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Published : 24-05-2024

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