International experts' visit to the Institute within the framework of TAIEX – Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument was organized

On May 15-17, within the framework of TAIEX – Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument, Center for Legal Examination and Legislative Initiatives (Center) organized a visit of international experts to exchange experience on the topic “Organizational structure and management of rulemaking institutions” at the Institute of Law and Human Rights (Institute).

The event, organized with the participation of experts from the Ministry of Justice of Spain, was attended by the employees of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers, lawyers of the Center and 8 employees of the Institute.

Opening the event with an introductory speech on the first day of the experts’ mission, Executive Director of the Center, Samir Mahmudov welcomed the guests and participants and noted that the study of the positive experience of the European Union and its advanced member countries on the rulemaking process is of great importance for improving the quality of activities in the relevant scope and the organization of such events serves for more effective implementation of objectives which are in the agenda of the Center.

Within three days, international experts made extensive presentations on the EU legal regulation policy system, management of the workload of rulemaking agencies, rulemaking techniques, legal examination of draft laws, ex-ante and ex-post assessment of the regulatory impact of draft laws and other legal acts, and also the preparation of reports and the experiences of the EU, as well as Spain and Germany on other topics, and gave detailed explanations with practical examples.

During the discussions, mutual exchange of views on the topics was held.

Published : 22-05-2023

Views : 100