The armenian-azerbaijani nagorno-karabakh conflict: assessment of the resulting economic and environmental damage, concern about the future generation

The Institute for Human Rights of ANAS and the Social Welfare Party according to the article 2.1. "Violation of rights of refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan in various forms, bringing the fact of the destruction of natural, historical and cultural values ​​of Azerbaijan to the world community and the continuation of work in international organizations in order to obtain reimbursement of damages from the Armenian state" of the order of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic "On adoption of National Action Program to strengthen the rationality of security of human rights and freedoms in the Azerbaijan Republic" of December 27, 2011 № 1938, will conduct the scientific-practical conference on "The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh: evaluation of economic and environmental damage, care for future generations" in the Institute on May 31, 2012.

Published : 12-05-2012

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