The chairman of the trade union organization of the institute took part in training courses for personnel and activists.

On the 22-26 th of the Azerbaijan Academy of Labor and Social Relations, new courses and technologies in the creation, establishment and strengthening of the trade union organization were organized, organized by the Confederation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan and the Academy of Labor and Social Relations of Azerbaijan. The courses were attended by 24 chairmen, committees and organizations, as well as chairmen of chairmen and chairmen of organizational committees representing the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Institute of Informatics and the Museum of Science and History.
The course included lessons on such topics as “The Concept of Organizing”, “Legal Basis for the Motivation of Union Membership in the Labor Code”, “Organizational Work in the Trade Union”, “Structure of the Trade Union Structure”, “Psychology of Negotiation Strategies”, “Problems of Strengthening Personnel OPS ”, Conversation skills and performance before an audience”, etc.
Leila Jalil Kyzy Mammadova, Chairman of the Trade Union of institute, represented our Institute at these five-day training courses.
At the end of the course, the chairmen who attended the trainings received a certificate of completion of training and retraining courses for employees and activists of the trade union.

Published : 26-04-2019

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