The institute expands its international relations.contract with the “Association of Lawyers of the Countries of the Black Sea and Caspian regions”.

  During the current year, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the "Association of Lawyers of the Countries of the Black Sea and Caspian Regions".

Director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Doctor of Law, deputy of the Milli Mejlis Ayten Mustafazadeh and Chairman of the «Association of Lawyers of the Countries of the Black Sea and Caspian Regions», Doctor of Law, Professor Ilham Rahimov came to a joint decision that on the basis of the signed agreement, will be implemented exchange of information in the field of law and other spheres, foreign experience of legislative initiatives; Joint scientific research; Publication of articles and results of joint research in national scientific journals (including periodicals); Publication of scientific works in Azerbaijan and other countries; Joint scientific conferences in areas of mutual interest, cooperation in the organization of seminars and consultations for the implementation of activities.

Published : 11-12-2017

Views : 8