The Institute held a meeting with the head of the “Millennium Project”

On March 12, 2019, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, the director of the institute, deputy of the Milli Mejlis Ayten Mustafazade met with the executive director of the international research organization Millennium Project Jerome Glenn, as well as the Chairman of the Azerbaijan Future Research Society, which is a branch of the Millennium Project in our country, Reyhan Huseynova.
Ayten Mustafazade informed the guests in detail about the wide range of activities of the Institute, the latest modern directions of research, touched upon the occupation of 20% of Azerbaijan's territories by Armenia, and stressed the importance of reporting the truth about the conflict at the international level.At the meeting there was an exchange of views on a new topic of the Institute - development and application of artificial intelligence in the context of human rights and laws that should regulate these technologies in the future. In turn, Chairman of the Society for Future Studies of the Millennium Project Department Reyhan Huseynova talked of expert and research work within the framework of the organization headed by Jerome Glenn, contribution of the Azerbaijani branch to the development of future forecasting in our country.
The head of the "Millennium Project" Jerome Glenn noted the high level and versatility of the activities of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS. Mr. Glenn also paid attention to the development of artificial intelligence in the world, expressed his proposals on legal and regulatory acts, which, in his opinion, should be agreed and adopted by all countries of the world.
At the end of the meeting, an agreement was reached on the cooperation of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS with the Millennium Project.
Note that Jerome Glenn has more than 40 years of experience in the field of strategic forecasting and research of the future. He is the author of such works as “The Future of Technologies - 2050”, “Future Elements of the Global Economy”, and research - “Egypt's National Intelligence System ”,“ National Units of the Strategy of the Future ”,“ Global Energy Scenarios for 2020 ”,“ Future of Ethics ”,“ Scenarios of Science and Technology for 2025 ”, co-author and editor of the annual report“ State of the Future ”.
Jerome Glenn has been a consultant to the World Bank, UNDP, UNU, UNESCO, FAO, UNEP, US/EPA, USAID and a number of governments and corporations.
As a visiting professor, Jerome Glenn has lectured on forecasting methodology and application at such universities as Harvard Univ., Stanford Univ., Yale Univ., Univ. of Tokyo, National Defense Univ., Singularity Univ. The following are among them: Turku School of Economics, Kyoto Senyo University, etc.
According to the world's most authoritative rating of think tanks, which is compiled annually by the University of Pennsylvania, the Millennium Project was ranked among the 6,846 think tanks of the world among the top 10 centers of the world, taking 6th place in the section "New ideas and paradigms of development". "The Millennium Project is an international research organization with 63 offices worldwide.

Published : 12-03-2019

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