The Institute hosted a round table dedicated to December 10 - International Human Rights Day

On December 8, a round table dedicated to December 10 - Human Rights Day was held. The event was jointly organized by the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives (Center) and the Institute of Law and Human Rights (Institute).
The event was aimed to discuss the adopted legal acts and the work done in the field of human rights in our country over the past year, the role of the Center and the Institute in the field of human rights protection and the experience of various partners in this field. The Executive Director of the Center, Samir Makhmudov opened the event and spoke about the numerous institutional and legislative measures taken in the field of human rights protection, which are the main directions of state policy determined by the great leader Heydar Aliyev during the independence of Azerbaijan, and he also noted the important development path, passed by Azerbaijan in this direction, and stressed the achievement of an effective mechanism for the protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms. Further, he noted that under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, the implementation of actions aimed at more reliable protection of all rights and freedoms of the country's citizens continues successfully. By decree of the Head of the state, the creation of the Center this year is a clear example of his attention to legal reforms, the development of our legislation, including the protection of Human Rights.
Habib Abdullayev, Head of Division for the protection of Human Rights of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, stated that, by June 18, 1998 Order of the great leader Heydar Aliyev, the “State Program for the Protection of Human Rights” was approved in the field of Human Rights. This document has a particular importance, including legislative and institutional reforms. He stressed that this document accelerated the process of formation of democratic institutions in our country, and became an important step forward in the field of human rights, through the creation of a new three-tier judicial system, constitutional control, as well as a new structure of the Ombudsman.
The Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzade, during his speech gave extensive information about the main legislative acts on Human Rights adopted in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2022. He talked about the right to social security; the right to health care; the right to free enterprise; the right to education and freedom of creativity; peace, secure development and the rights of former internally displaced persons, as well as a number of laws adopted in other areas. The Chairman also stressed that the Republic of Azerbaijan attaches great importance to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens and acceded to all international documents and conventions related to this area, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and noted the implementation of international legal norms in national legislation.
Informing the participants of the event about the activities of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, M. Guluzade said that in November the Institute was added to the On Think Tanks (OTT) platform, which is a global database of “think tanks”, and is listed on the platform as “a think tank specializing in law, human rights, justice and education”.
At the event the Head of Division of criminal and administrative legislation of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Farhad Tutayuk, the Chairman of the Bar Association of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Anar Baghirov, Head of the Department for Human Rights and analytical work of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Anar Babayev, deputy of the Milli Majlis (National Assembly) Bahruz Maharramov, Chairman of the Board of the Mediation Council, Nadir Adilov, Head of the Child Protection Department of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Azerbaijan, Vugar Salmanov, Dean of the Faculty of Law of BSU, Zaur Aliyev, Head of the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Information Law of BSU, Amir Aliyev, Head of the Faculty of Law of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of Azerbaijan Republic, Isakhan Veliyev and others were took the floor.
It should be noted that in December the Institute of Law and Human Rights, a public legal entity, announced a competition among undergraduate and graduate students of legal and journalistic specialties of various universities on the occasion of December 10 - International Human Rights Day.
Based on the applications received, 3 students of the Faculty of Law of BSU - Einaddin Habibov, Arzu Shukurova and Shahid Maharramli, who showed the highest results in the nomination “Jurisprudence” and 4 students of the Faculty of Journalism of BSU, who showed the highest result in the nomination “Journalism” - Nurana Kuliyeva, Isa Taralov, Shams Huseynli and Elshan Soltanzade were announced as winners. During the event, the winners received certificates and awards from the leadership of the Institute.
The event was attended by employees of government agencies and committees, representatives of international organizations, representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations, as well as winners of the competition and media representatives.

Published : 09-12-2022

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