The Institute hosted presentation of the book “Armenian nationalism: Life without a Future”

On April 12, 2023, the presentation of Moses Becker's book “Armenian nationalism: Life without a Future” was held at the Institute of Law and Human Rights.

The Executive Director of the Center for Legal Examination and Legislative Initiatives (the Center), Samir Makhmudov, after welcoming the guests and highly appreciating the activities of the Institute in the field of increasing the number of significant publications for the people,  nation and statehood, also expressed confidence in the importance of holding presentations of such publications for the general public.

The Chairman of the Board  of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzade, in his speech, noted that Moses Becker has been engaged in scientific activities at the Institute of Law and Human Rights for many years, and currently he is  a member of the Institute's Expert Council.

The head of the Institute, M. Guluzade, also stressed that M. Becker's new monograph, “Armenian nationalism: Life without a Future” is  important in the context of objective historical research.

During the presentation, it was noted that in the monograph the author analyzes the influence of such political parties as “Armenakan”, “Hunchak” and “Dashnaktsutyun” on the formation of the political views of Armenians, their participation in the process of division  from inside of the Ottoman and Russian empires, as well as the Soviet Union.

The participants of the event exchanged a wide range of views on the undesirable consequences of strong nationalism and protection from mine danger in the liberated territories for the well-being and socio-economic development of citizens.

The event was attended by more than 50 guests – including representatives from the Administration of the President, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Ombudsman and other governmental agencies and committees, deputies of the Milli Majlis, scientists and media representatives. 

Published : 12-04-2023

Views : 117