The martyrs of 20th January – innocent victims of big politics

On January 18, 2018 in the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS was held an event in connection with the 28th anniversary of the tragedy of January 20, 1990.

The memory of the innocent victims was honored with a minute of silence.

Director of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS, doctor of law, professor, member of Parliament Ayten Mustafazade, noted that tragic night remained forever in the memory of Azerbaijanis, pointed out the importance of our scientists referring to the official statistical figures of those days, told about the murders of innocent people who were representatives of different nationalities living in multinational Baku.

Then the Institute staff members: Hagan Balayev, Khalid Niyazov, Ali Rzayev, Elshad Mirbashiroglu, Rajiv Gurbanov, Miraga Jafarguliyev, Lala Akhmedova spoke and shared their memories in connection with the tragic event.

Published : 18-01-2018

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