The memory of the innocent victims of January 20 is honored

31 years have passed since the tragedy of January 20, which is a heroic page of the Azerbaijani people. On the night of January 19-20, 1990, the military units of the former Soviet army committed an unprecedented massacre of the civilian population in the city of Baku, who embarked on the path of creating an independent state and gaining their own sovereignty. But this bloody crime could not extinguish the love of people for freedom, our people, despite their blood, gained state independence.
The tragedy of January 20, which became a symbol of national unity and patriotism, is a glorious story of our people's struggle for their sovereignty. Every year, on the eve of the anniversary of the tragedy, the memory of the martyrs is honored with deep respect in our country and abroad.
As every year, this year the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS honored the memory of the martyrs on January 20. At the event, organized in a web format, the director of the Institute, Doctor of Law, Professor Ayten Mustafazade and the staff of the Institute shared their views on the events related to the tragedy of January 20, based on historical facts.
We have not forgotten our history. We have raised our history to a victorious victory with the blood of our martyrs.
Allah Rəhmət Eləsin!

Published : 20-02-2021

Views : 20