The memory of the martyrs of January 20 was honored

For the past 30 years, the memory of the victims of that terrible night, inscribed in bloody letters in the history of Azerbaijan, has been observed with great respect throughout the country. This year, as usual, a memorial event was held at the ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the events of January 20.
Opening the event with a keynote speech, the director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Doctor of Law, Professor Ayten Mustafazade spoke about the events of January 20, 1990, as a heroic page in the history of the struggle of Azerbaijan for freedom and independence, recalling the atrocities committed by the empire in Baku in the night on January 20, 1990, and killed innocent people, she said that the monstrous crime and brutal killings committed by the leadership of the USSR did not undermine the determination of the Azerbaijani people to fight for independence, but rather has strengthened the struggle. A. Mustafazade said that this story, remembered as the black night of January 1990, is the day of unity, honor and dignity of our people fighting for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Then, the Institute staff shared their memories of the events and told about the political and historical aspects of the events of January 20.

Published : 17-01-2020

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