“The new challenge around Nagorno-Karabakh: from realism to pragmatism” paper by the doctoral student of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS on the realities of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was published in France

The doctoral student of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Said Musayev, who is currently in Strasbourg University in France, published paper “A new challenge around Nagorno-Karabakh: from realism to pragmatism”.

The paper, which is consist of a deep analysis in the legal context of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, was published in a special issue of the international journal “IRS” in French in connection with the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic. The paper reveals a new essence of the solution of the conflict in the light of the recent negotiations in Geneva between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as the reason for the confusion of the Armenian society in connection with the negotiation process.

Due to this paper, the French society was informed that in the frame of new negotiations along with the return of the five regions of Azerbaijan, a gradual return of Kalbajar and Lachin will be held, as well as the key conditions for a future referendum to be organized jointly by the UN and the OSCE Minsk Group in Nagorno-Karabakh.

The author emphasizes that as a result of the pragmatic negotiations of President Ilham Aliyev in Geneva, even the leadership of the country-occupier recognizes the political power of Azerbaijan and notes that the settlement of the conflict by securing the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan will have a positive impact on the strengthening of peace and stability in the region.

The paper underlines that for the country- occupier the only connection with the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh passes through the transport and communication corridor of the Lachin and Kelbajar regions of Azerbaijan and, in fact, Armenia has not gained anything from separatism, but, on the contrary, only

isolated itself. First of all, it is noted that with the signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia on the return of seven regions under the supervision of an international peacekeeping mission stationed in Kalbajar and Lachin, a phased transfer of these areas will be carried out.

It is also informed that our country has prepared a strategic plan for the peace process between the Azerbaijani and Armenian population, the return of more than a million refugees and internally displaced persons to their native lands, and that there is no racial or national discrimination against Armenians in our country. As you know, for this purpose, December 6, 2016 in Baku was created the “Platform for Peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia”.

The paper titled “New challenge around Nagorno-Karabakh: from realism to pragmatism”, informed readers that the accession of Armenia to the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, to the “Southern Gas Corridor” project and such transcontinental energy and transport corridors as TANAP and TAP directly depends on the constructive settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. And the fact that Armenia still violates the basic principles of international law - according to the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, the basic principles of international law are a ban on violation of the territorial integrity of lands, inviolability of borders and the use of force, is sharply condemned.

The full text of the paper can be found in this link http:


Published : 22-01-2018

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