The path to historic victories

Today our people celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the liberation of Baku by the Caucasian Islamic Army on September 15, 1918 from corrupt Armenian Bolsheviks. Back in 1915, Azerbaijani sons came to the aid of Turkish brothers in Canakkale. The soldiers were martyred on their fraternal lands. Three years later, in 1918, a large Turkish army was in Azerbaijan for a similar struggle. Although Azerbaijan was liberated from tsarist Russia and founded its first independent republic on May 28, 1918, there was a difficult, dangerous military-political situation in the country, and not enough national armed forces were formed to protect the independence of the country. It was difficult to imagine the state independence of Azerbaijan without him.
AZERTAJ was informed about this by Aida Bendalieva, senior researcher at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS. She noted that the possibilities for ensuring the territorial integrity of the newly independent, not yet internationally recognized young state were insufficient. Oil Baku at that time was under the occupation of Armenian separatists, Bolsheviks and the British. The Armenians killed thirty thousand Azerbaijanis.
You can read the full text of the interview by clicking on the link.

Published : 16-09-2021

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