The presentation of the book “Azerbaijan Weapon Art”, published in English, was held


The presentation of the book "The Art of the Azerbaijani Gunsmith" took place within the framework of the VII Baku International Book Fair taking place these days at the Baku Expo Center.
Rizvan Huseynov, senior researcher at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Director of the Center for the History of the Caucasus, who took part in the event, stressed that this book, which attracts attention with its elegant design and rich information, is based on ancient texts.Weapons in Azerbaijan and various museums. and he talks about these valuable works of art stored in collections. A public figure, laureate of the "Honor" order, Doctor of Historical Sciences Hasan Hasanov, who has worked fruitfully for a long time in the diplomatic service of the Republic of Azerbaijan, also spoke at the presentation, and talked about the importance of creating a valuable printed work about our weaponry, which is one of the important symbols of our national identity. He described Azerbaijani youth as a valuable source where they can gain important knowledge about statehood and Western history, the past and present of our weapons art.
Rizvan Huseynov, as well as other speakers, expressed the importance of the book reflecting the history of our ancient weapons art. It was emphasized that the book is a valuable research collection of weapons discovered during archaeological excavations, which is currently stored in museums and collections.It should be noted that the authors of the book are the famous gunsmith Emin Mammadov, who took first place at the UNESCO “Culture for Peace" competition in April this year, and a member of the Union of Journalists of Azerbaijan, winner of the Golden Pen Award Alexander Volovik.

Published : 12-10-2021

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