The presentation of the book by Rovshan Mustafayev took place in Georgia

On November 29, 2018, the presentation of the book by Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Rovshan Mustafayev “Outlined Paradise” in Georgia was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Georgia, Sokhumi State University and the Museum of Azerbaijan Culture named after M.F. Akhundov.

The book of the famous political scientist Rovshan Mustafayev includes several short tales and stories: “Angel in Hell”, “Evil Spirits”, “People from the Other World”, “Old Men of Chumarins”, “Outlined Paradise”. In a review written by a Knesset member (Israel), Joseph Chagall, noted that literally every line breathes with allegories and philosophical thoughts. Through the stories, the author expresses his deeply hidden feelings and gives away memories with secret melancholy. Stories describe the lost world, reminiscent of the 1970s of Baku, which the author, like many others, misses.

Professor R. Mustafayev was the first doctor of political science in Azerbaijan, the founder and director of the first non-governmental scientific research center in Azerbaijan - the Azerbaijan Institute of State Building and International Relations (1993), was the organizer and director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, the project of the establishment of the Ombudsman’s Institute in Azerbaijan, the founder and chief editor of the magazine “Revival-XXI century”.

Director of the Museum of Azerbaijan Culture named after M. Akhundov Leila Aliyeva, opening the event dedicated to the scientist and political scientist Rovshan Mustafayev, noted that the book “Outlined Paradise” was translated into Georgian by writer Robert Meskhi. Then she shared her memories and stressed that Rovshan Mustafayev always attached great importance to the Azerbaijani-Georgian friendship and cooperation.

Rector of Sokhumi State University, Professor Zurab Khonelidze, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Georgia Dursun Hasanov, Vice-President for International Relations of Sokhumi State University, President of the Society for Intercultural Relations, Professor Indira Dzagania, Deputy Director of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS , Doctor of Philology Lala Akhmedova, Chairman of the Government of the Abkhaz Autonomous Republic Vakhtang Kolbaya and Chairman of the National Assembly of Azerbaijanis of Georgia Ali Babayev spoke at the event.

Deputy Director of the Institute on Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Doctor of Philology Lala Akhmedova in her speech noted the invaluable merits of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the development of education and science in the history of Azerbaijan’s statehood, strengthening Azerbaijan’s independence and recognizing Azerbaijan in the international arena as a sovereign state, that a prominent political figure attached great importance to friendly and fraternal relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia. After L. Akhmedova spoke about the work done by R. Mustafayev as the founder and director of the Institute on Human Rights, noting that through his books he brought to the public the facts of crimes and falsifications committed by Armenians during the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Published : 29-11-2018

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