The presentation of the certificate and medal named after “Prof. R. Mustafayev” to Oleg Kuznetsov Yuryevich


The presentation of the certificate and medal named after “Prof. R. Mustafayev”  which was founded by International Fund to the medievist-historian, translator, researcher on Caucasus, teacher, writer and inventor Oleg Kuznetsov Yuryevich held at the Institute on Law and Human Rights of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences on February 9, 2017.  

As known, the deceased Professor Rovshan Mustafayev was the first doctor of political sciences in the Caucasus region and the author of several books, revealing the true face of the Armenians. Under his scientific supervision was published brief chronological encyclopedia “Crimes of Armenian terrorist and bandit formations against humanity (XIX-XXI centuries)”. In 2008, Rovshan Mustafayev’s last book “Death Marches” was awarded a certificate of “International Eurasia Press Fund” as the best scientific research on the theme of international terrorism.

The first certificates and medals named after “Prof. Rovshan Mustafayev” were presented to the First Lady of Azerbaijan, UNESCO and ISESCO Goodwill Ambassador, MP, President of  Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva, due to activities with the aspirations of the national leader Heydar Aliyev,  contribution to peace in the suggestion of new generations of national statehood ideas of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, to promote our country in the world, exceptional contribution to protection ancient and rich culture and spiritual values  and promotion of national education, health and environment projects, formation of tolerance and multiculturalism and presented to Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, founder and director of the International Dialogue on Environmental Action  (IDEA), the OIC Youth Forum General Coordinator Leyla Aliyeva due to  properly informing the international community about the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, formation a strong national memory of the present and future generations on the international crimes committed by Armenian terrorists, "Justice for Khojaly"  campaign activities for legal recognition of Khojaly genocide by the international community,  achievements obtained of the company's 7-years period. 

The medal is awarded once a year to active, effectively distinguished scientists, publicists, decent candidates for providing irrefutable scientific facts about the Armenian issue.

The director of the Institute, Doctor of Law, MP Aytan Mustafazada in her opening remarks mentioned that Armenia as a agressor does not comply with the principles of international law and norms  highligting the fact that the territories of Azerbaijan were occupied from time to time by aggressive neighbors.

At the same time, A.Mustafazada said that prominent political analysts Oleg Kuznetsov who is an expert on the historical geography of the medieval period of Russia, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, as well as operating in the field of human rights is distinguished with his objective stance in the processes in the South Caucasus, especially Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and it is possible to observe in his analytical writings and interviews.


The evolution of Russia's Caucasus policy and performance is analyzed, a new geopolitical approach to Treaty of Gulistan is offered and cultural essence of the Karabakh conflict on the basis of S. Huntington's theory is examined in his collection of articles called"Central Caucasus: a retrospective review of a clash of civilizations". The collection includes the article "Treaty of Gulistan: after 200 years (1804-1813 years, the understanding experience of the events during the Russo-Persian war and the essence of the Treaty of Gulistan in the context of the 200th anniversary)”. The article tells about the modern Azerbaijani statehood and understanding of the historical roots of its relevant society’s national and political identity.  It is mentioned that at that time, the leading countries of the world, ignoring the national interests of Azerbaijan played their geopolitical games in the territory of Azerbaijan.

Generally, introducing the objective realities of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by Oleg Kuznetsov is commendable. For example, he proves with strong arguments that the points by Stanislav Tarasov are false and unfounded in the  “Karabakh conflict “myth”.

In addition, it should be noted that Oleg Kuznetsov is recognized as one of the most active researcher of international terrorism and the Armenian terrorism. He researched the reasons of the launching of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the nature of the Armenian terrorism and the crimes committed against the civilian population in Azerbaijan in his book called “ The transnational Armenian terrorism in the 20th century. The historical-criminological research”.

All these points prove that, Oleg Kuznetsov’s services in investigation, identification, dissemination the aggressive policy and terror acts of Armenia and realities of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict are quite high.

Considering all the above, the Institute on Law and Human Rights and the International Fund named after Rovshan Mustafayev considered it appropriate to present the certificate and medal named after  “Prof. R. Mustafayev” to Oleg Kuznetsov.

The members of the Parliament, representatives various ministries and committes, scientists and media representatives attended the event.                                               

Published : 11-02-2017

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