The Russian website posted an article reflecting opinion of our employee

The Russian website “Взгляд. Деловая газета” (Point of view. Business newspaper) posted an article “Why Armenia does not like Russian peacekeepers” about the latest developments in the Lachin corridor. The article shows that the leader of Armenia, N. Pashinyan, reproached Russia for the fact that the Russian peacekeeping contingent stationed in Karabakh is not fulfilling its duties. According to Pashinyan, the obligation to keep the Lachin corridor under control is not being fulfilled, and allegedly Azerbaijan illegally blocked the Lachin corridor... However, Moscow did not accept the reproach.
Referring to the opinion of Rizvan Huseynov, an employee of our Institute, the author of the article shows that Yerevan's decision to reactivate the peace process is directly related to the events in the Lachin corridor. According to R. Huseynov, the Armenian side even compares the events that have taken place over the past 10 days with the blockade of Leningrad and is trying to achieve international condemnation of Azerbaijan. But it fails. Moscow refrained from unequivocal support for the Armenians, which caused irritation in Yerevan. Our employee also noted that a new trend is being traced: as relations between Baku and Moscow gradually improve, relations between Yerevan and Moscow, on the contrary, begin worsening.

You can read the full article by clicking on the link

Published : 27-12-2022

Views : 21