The thesis of our employee is published in the journal with a high impact factor

In the 1st issue of the 1st volume of the collection of theses “Scientific Research and Innovation” of the international scientific journal “Scientific Work” with a high impact factor, the thesis of a senior researcher of the Department “Legal Support of State Security " of Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS Esmira Orujeva under the title "Contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law, mercenaries and terrorists were involved in combat operations" is published.
The thesis states that the military-political leadership of Armenia, which supported terror at the state level during the Second Karabakh War, which lasted 44 days, demonstrating disrespect for universal values and general principles of international humanitarian law, grossly violating the requirements of international legislation, contrary to international conventions, uses terrorists and mercenaries in military operations, which are its instrument of state policy.

Published : 31-03-2021

Views : 15