Training for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was held within the framework of "Human Rights Month"  

The training organized at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic  on June 14 was the final one in the series of the trainings held by the experts-trainers of the Institute of Law and Human Rights on the “Right to liberty and security of person” for employees of police departments and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan.

Prior to start of the training, the leadership of the Institute met with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Suleiman Nematov. At the meeting, bilateral fruitful cooperation issues were widely discussed. Minister, S.Nematov gave his valuable recommendations to the organizers of the training and emphasized the need for such educational trainings at all times.

It should be noted that the training was organized from May 18 to June 18 within the framework of the “Human Rights Month” on the topic of application of the provisions on “Right to liberty and security of person” stipulated in Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

Opening the training with an introductory speech, the Head of the Investigation and Inspection Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Police Lieutenant-Colonel, Zahir Ismayilov welcomed the leadership of the Institute and experts-trainers and expressed his pleasure to see them in Nakhchivan. By highly appreciating this initiative, he noted that they are always open to cooperation.

The Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzade gave an extensive information about the directions of the Institute's activities, future perspectives, as well as the content and  structure of the training. The Chairman stated that he believed that the training held within the framework of the “Human Rights Month" would facilitate a cooperation between the two institutions.

. Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Natavan Rustamova made a presentation on such topics as: “Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Duties of the State”, “Restriction of the right to liberty and security and the most recognized violations in the resolutions made against Azerbaijan under Article 5”. The presentation reflected the basic principles of Article 5 and the main criteria applied, the essential features of positive and negative obligations as well as statistics on the recognition of violations of Article 5 in the resolutions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) regarding Azerbaijan

Legal expert, Vafaddin Ibayev spoke about the importance of changes in legislation and judicial practice in ensuring the right to liberty. He also made recommendations related to existing problems in legal practice and their solutions. The expert made a number of suggestions for changing the legislation, and also commented on the identified violations in the area of the right to liberty and security.

At the end of the training, Head of the Training and Examination Department on Human Rights of the Institute, Vusala Muradkhanli organized a group solutions and presentations of the cases on Article 5.

During the discussions, an extensive exchange of views on the topic was held and the questions asked by the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the trainers were responded. The participants were given an opportunity of evaluating the training.  25 police officers who participated in the training were awarded with certificates.


Published : 14-06-2023

Views : 148