Training for the staff members of the Institute was conducted

On December 28, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Professor Kamran Behbutov held training on the topic “Development of contractual legislation in the post-Soviet space and principles for updating European Union (EU) treaties”.
At the training organized for the staff of the Institute, K. Behbutov gave extensive information about the concepts, history, essence of contract law, as well as trade agreements and contracts concluded in Azerbaijan in past centuries.
At the event existing contracts, memorandums and cooperation agreements concluded between Azerbaijan and the European Union (EU), agreements on the TAP and TANAP gas pipeline projects were discussed, as well as analyzed the Law on the Protection of Foreign Investments. At the same time, the training compared the systems contracts in the Anglo-Saxon and Eastern countries, as well as an exchange of views with participants on the current tax and financial legislation.
At the end, questions from employees on the topic were answered.

Published : 28-12-2022

Views : 59