Training on Human Rights disputes was held

On November 15, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Professor Farhad Mehdiyev conducted training on the topic: “Criteria ratione materiae when referring human rights disputes to international tribunals”. At the training organized for the staff of the Institute, the issue of the origin of the Latin term “ratione materiae” taken from Roman law and the application of other terms in the decisions of the International Court of Justice in the modern era was raised. Issues such as the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, negative and positive obligations of states, and racial discrimination were also discussed.
During the training, a comparative analysis of the provisions of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights was carried out. The participants were also provided with the information on the procedure for the execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, the procedure for considering citizens' appeals, the criteria for applying the provisions of Chapter 1 of the relevant Convention and the concept incorporations.
Touching upon the essence of the two main legal systems in the world - the European system and the UN system, F. Mehdiyev, on the basis of indisputable facts, explained certain articles of international documents.
At the end of the training answers to the questions of the participants were given.

Published : 16-11-2022

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