UNESCO ethics teacher training course

UNESCO Ethics Teacher Training Course will be held in Baku on August 20-24 at the conference hall of the Institute of Human Rights of  National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. This Ethics Teacher Training  Course  is a collaborative effort involving UNESCO,  the Institute of Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the National Commission of Azerbaijan for UNESCO.

The main objectives of the Ethics Teachers Training Course are to:

  • introduce the participants to the means and resources of teaching ethics;
  • teach the participants the methodologies and methods of teaching ethics; and
  • assess and provide feedback on the participants’ demonstrations of teaching skills under the guidance of experienced teachers.

This Course will be conducted by a team of international experts:

  1. Professor Amnon Carmi (University of Haifa, Israel)
  2. Professor Daniella Keidar  (University of Haifa, Israel)
  3. Professor Vugar Mammadov (Institute of Human Rights, Azerbaijan). 

The training will take place in the Conference Room of Human Rights Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan; 31 Huseyn Javid st. Baku, AZ1143, Azerbaijan, www.ihr-az.org.


You can download training course programm here

Published : 25-07-2012

Views : 22