Unprecedented Armenian vandalism: Armenians opened the grave of the daughter of the last Karabakh khan

An article by Rizvan Huseynov, senior researcher at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, director of the Center for the History of the Caucasus, Associate Professor of the UNESCO Department for the North Caucasus, researcher, “unprecedented Armenian vandalism: Armenians stole the remains of the daughter of the last Karabakh Khan from Aghdam”was published.
The scientist, who visited Aghdam this time as part of a regular visit to the territories of Azerbaijan liberated from the occupation, wrote in the article: "Do you want to know what vandalism is, or rather, ritual devilry? Look at what the Armenian occupiers have turned into a complex of buildings in Aghdam, where the Karabakh khans and representatives of their family are buried. Armenian vandals not only destroyed and looted this unique architectural complex of the XVIII century, where pigs were kept, but also opened the grave of the poet Khurshid-banu Natavan and took away her remains, " Huseynov said.
Rizvan Huseynov recalled that the outstanding Azerbaijani poetess of the XIX century, philanthropist Khurshidbanu Natavan was the daughter of the last khan of Karabakh, Mehdigulu Khan Javanshir, on whose initiative and support drinking water was brought to Shusha, and a water supply system was built here.
In the article, the scientist also shared photos of the complex of buildings where the Karabakh khans and their descendants are buried, destroyed during the occupation of Aghdam by the Armenians.
The article can be read by following the link.

Published : 11-03-2021

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