Victory of national unity andsolidarity In the 44-day patriotic war

On November 3, the Institute of Law and Human Rights of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) together with the Azerbaijan-Israel International Association (AzIz) held a round table dedicated to November 8 - Victory Day.
Speaking at the event, Director of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Doctor of Law, Professor Ayten Mustafazade, referring to the thoughts of the national leader Heydar Aliyev that “Azerbaijan is a multinational and tolerant country - this is our great wealth and advantage. Azerbaijan is the common homeland of all nations and peoples living on its territory. Azerbaijanis, Lezgins, Avars, Kurds, Talysh, Udins, Kumyks and others living in our territory are all Azerbaijanis. The word “Azerbaijan” has always united us”, noted that Azerbaijan, with its policy of tolerance and multi-confessionalism, managed to create its own special model of multiculturalism and present it to the world as an example.
A.Mustafazade praised the unity and solidarity of ethnic minorities and nations living in our country during the 44-day war last year.
According to her, in the counteroffensive launched under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev on September 27, 2020 in response to another provocation from Armenia and completed with a historic victory in the 44-day Patriotic War, patriotism and courage shown by our Azerbaijani, Meskhetian Turks, Jewish, Russian, Talysh, Lezghin, Ingiloy, Ukrainian, Georgian, German, Kurdish, Tat and Avar youth, were the glorification of the centuries-old multicultural traditions of Azerbaijanism, inherited by the Azerbaijani ideology of the Great Leader. “As Mr. President emphasized at the opening ceremony of the “Kharibulbul” music festival in Shusha, the cultural capital of our country, in May this year the 44-day war once again showed that there is national unity and solidarity in our country,” Ayten Mustafazade said.
The scientist noted that the memory of the heroic sons of Albert Agarunov, Yuri Kovalev, Denis Pronin, Oleg Mamontov, Iskander Aznaur, Dmitry Solntsev, Emil Gurbanov, Igbal Bayramov, Zaur Agali, who died for the freedom of our lands and became martyrs is very valuaeble for every citizen of Azerbaijan.
AzIz Chairman Lev Spivak, in turn, reminded that one of the streets of Narimanov district bears the name of Albert Agarunov, and the Albert Agarunov award was established on the basis of a joint project of the Religious Community of Mountain Jews and “Dede Gorgud” National Fund.
At the event it was highlighted that both during the First Karabakh War and during the Second Karabakh War, the Jews living in our country and abroad showed great courage both on the battlefield and on the back front in our rightfull struggle against the enemy.
The speakers at the Round Table talked about the importance of friendly and warm relations between Azerbaijan and Israel, as well as between our peoples throughout history.
It was noted that the Azerbaijani Jews living in Israel appealed to the political and religious leaders of more than 70 countries with an appeal to hear the fair voice of Azerbaijan and brought to the attention of the atrocities committed by the Armenians against the civilian population. Jews around the world have also actively participated in our information war against the hated enemy.
Azerbaijanis and Azerbaijani Jews living in Israel also demonstrate unity around the “Iron Fist” and regularly donate to the Fund for Assistance to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the “YAŞAT” Fund, as well as take part in various charity marathons in support of our veterans and families of martyrs.
Sonra Hüquq və İnsan Haqları İnstitutunun və Professor Rövşən Mustafayev adına Beynəlxalq Fond tərəfindən təsis edilmiş “Professor Rövşən Mustafayev” adına medal və sertifikatın təqdimat mərasimi keçirilib. Adıçəkilən medala və sertifikata Azərbaycan və İsrail dövlətləri arasında ikitərəfli dostluq və əməkdaşlıq münasibətlərinə verdikləri töhfələrə görə “Azİz” – İsrail-Azərbaycan Beynəlxalq Assosiasiyasının sədri Lev Spivak və üzvü Vahid Bayramov layiq görülüblər.
It should be noted that the medal and certificate named after “Professor Rovshan Mustafayev” are awarded to scientists, specialists and researchers who have provided exceptional services in conducting research to expose Armenian falsifications, objective historical and legal assessment and bring the truth to the world community.
For the first time, this medal was presented to the First Lady of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Azerbaijan Cultural Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, member of National Assembly Mehriban Aliyeva for
her outstanding contribution to the advancement of our country in the world, protection of the national and spiritual values of our people from ancient and rich culture, projects in the field of education, health and ecology, the formation of tolerance and multiculturalism. And to Vice President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Head of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation's Office in Russia, General Coordinator of the Intercultural Dialogue of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum, Chairman of the Azerbaijani Youth Organization in Russia (AMOR), founder and chairman of the Dialogue Public Union (IDEA), as well as founder and editor-in-chief of the Baku magazine, Leyla Aliyeva for her outstanding services in promoting the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, political and legal recognition of the Khojaly genocide, and for this purpose, within the framework of the International Company of Informatization and Propaganda, launched the action “Justice for Khojaly”.

Published : 03-11-2021

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