
The rights of the civilian population violated during the Second Karabakh War were considered in the context of international humanitarian law

Esmira Orujeva, senior researcher of the Department of Legal Support of State Security at the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, has published an article "Research on the violated rights of the civilian population during the Second Karabakh War in the context of international humanitarian law"in the 2nd(6) issue of the 2021 scientific-theoretical, experimental journal "Legal Plane" (pp. 135-143).

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Social and legal protection of children in Azerbaijan discussed

On May 31, the Baku branch of the International Institute for Monitoring the Development of Democracy, Parliamentarism and Observance of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States (MGIMO PAA CIS) held a video conference on the topic “Social and legal protection of children in the Republic of Azerbaijan: parliamentary dimension”.

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