
The thesis of our employee is published in the journal with a high impact factor

In the 1st issue of the 1st volume of the collection of theses “Scientific Research and Innovation” of the international scientific journal “Scientific Work” with a high impact factor, the thesis of a senior researcher of the Department “Legal Support of State Security " of Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS Esmira Orujeva under the title "Contrary to the norms of international humanitarian law, mercenaries and terrorists were involved in combat operations" is published.

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An employee of our institute took part in an international scientific event on the topic of fighting corruption

At the invitation of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Nazim Aliyev, Doctor of Law, member of the Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Department of our Institute, took part in the discussion of an international round table organized in the video conference format on the topic “Effective fight against corruption as a decisive factor in ensuring transparency in economic activity”.

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The memory of the innocent victims of January 20 is honored

31 years have passed since the tragedy of January 20, which is a heroic page of the Azerbaijani people. On the night of January 19-20, 1990, the military units of the former Soviet army committed an unprecedented massacre of the civilian population in the city of Baku, who embarked on the path of creating an independent state and gaining their own sovereignty. But this bloody crime could not extinguish the love of people for freedom, our people, despite their blood, gained state independence.

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Doubtful reliability of Armenian sources

The journal “Heritage” published an article by Rizvan Huseynov, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Law and Human Rights of ANAS, Director of the “Center for the History of the Caucasus” on the topic “doubtful reliability of Armenian sources”.

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