Digital exhaustion - Baku State University Law Review Volume:7 2021


Copyright owner has an exclusive right on distribution of his/her work. However, this right is restricted by “first sale” doctrine, which states, that after the first sale of the copyrighted work, distribution rights of the copyright owner is exhausted, and he/she cannot control future sale of the work. Talking about a physical copy of the book, no question arises regarding the application of the “first-sale” doctrine. If the author of the book, sells, gives as a gift, or in any other way transfers the property rights for the copy of the book to another person, he/she loses the control regarding the future sale and transfer of this very copy. However, we are only talking about this very copy, therefore it is illegal to make a copy of the copy and distribute and sell them. A question arises: What if the copy is not physical, but a digital copy? Can we apply the same rules, considering that a copy of physical copy can be determined easily, because of the low quality of each further made copy, while it is not the case regarding digital copies?

Müəllif : Aydan Mammadli
Nəşr tarixi : 2021
Yüklənmə sayı : 6

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
