International Standards Affecting the Enforcement of Sentences for Women Sentenced to Imprisonment - International Law And Integration Problems (Scientific-Analytical Journal) №1 2020 - Beynəlxalq hüquq və inteqrasiya problemləri jurnalı


Since the vast majority of prisoners are male, prison systems and prison regimes have historically been designed for men, ranging from prison architecture to security procedures, medical devices, family contact, work, and training. As a result, only a small number of prisons meet the specific needs of women prisoners. These prisons often do not provide rehabilitation services, mental health services, drug treatment and counselling for victims of physical and sexual violence, the lack of which is often the root cause of women committing crimes. Empirical evidence shows that women are more vulnerable to mental and physical abuse during arrest, interrogation, and in prison. Many of the problems that women face after being released from prison are similar to those of men, but women are more likely to be particularly discriminated against. In many countries, because there are very few prisons for women, it is difficult to maintain family ties while incarcerated, in violation of international standards. For many years, international standards and national laws that contain provisions on the rights of persons deprived of their liberty and on the corresponding obligations of States have mainly been developed for men. They also focus on the conditions rather than the causes and consequences of incarceration. The article examines the fundamental provisions of international standards for the treatment of convicted women and their application in the process of execution of deprivation of liberty. The final result of the analysis of international documents and implementation practices was the identification of a certain range of problems: the physiological, social, moral, psychological and criminological characteristics of female prisoners are not taken into account, which indicates a departure from the gender differences of the legal status. The study of the provisions of international and domestic penal enforcement legislation, as well as the practice of carrying out the maternal function of a woman sentenced to imprisonment, preparing her for release and problems after release indicate the presence of different approaches in the policies of specific States.

Müəllif : Gunay Hajiyeva - Ph.D, Baku State University
Nəşr tarixi : 2020
Yüklənmə sayı : 10

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
