Legal Directions and Development Perspectives of Cooperation Within OPEC In the Field of Oil Production and Export - International Law And Integration Problems (Scientific-Analytical Journal) №2 2020 - Beynəlxalq hüquq və inteqrasiya problemləri jurnalı


The article analyzes in detail legal directions and development perspectives of cooperation within OPEC in the field of oil production and export based on disagreements in the legal literature and international documents. It is noted that OPEC plays a significant role in world oil supplies, serving mainly the interests of the member states and in accordance with the principle of ensuring energy security when supplying energy resources. Such an important role of OPEC in the international arena creates the basis for the participation of non-member states in this Organization. The author concludes that, the need for cooperation between oil-producing OPEC member states and non-member oil-producing states is due to the fact that interstate relations in the era of globalization are possible only on the basis of mutual benefit. The fact that oil exporting countries defended their interests as a result of joint activities within the framework of OPEC served as a legal guarantee in regulating relations with the main oil exporting countries of individual entities occupying unequal positions (large oil companies, countries with developed economies).

Müəllif : Anar Panahov - Ph.D. Candidate, Baku State University
Nəşr tarixi : 2020
Yüklənmə sayı : 10

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
