Legal Regulation of The Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly in Ukraine in the 21st Century - International Law And Integration Problems (Scientific-Analytical Journal) №1 2021 - Beynəlxalq hüquq və inteqrasiya problemləri jurnalı


The article examines the peculiarities of the legal, in particular, the legislative regulation of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly in Ukraine during the period of December 2013. - February 2014. Historical and legal analysis of the conditions that became the driving factors for the adoption of relevant legislative norms showed an unusually high activity of civil society in determining the national interests of domestic and foreign policy development in Ukraine. At the same time, the features of implementation of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, in particular, the possibility of applying legal responsibility measures to the subjects of the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly were carefully studied. Such legislative practice more actively encourages the legislator to qualitatively regulate the powers of public authorities in the direction of approval, ensuring the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly through the adoption of legislative acts, the norms of which would have not retrospective but progressive prospective nature of determining the content of public relations on the exercise of the right to freedom of peaceful assembly, aimed at limiting the powers of executive authorities, local authorities, law enforcement.

Müəllif : Mykola Sambor - Ph. D. in Law, National Ukrainian Higher Education Academy
Nəşr tarixi : 2020
Yüklənmə sayı : 9

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
