Lethal Autonomous Weapons systems threatening Human Rights - ELSA Azərbaycan - Hüquq jurnalı №5 2022


United Nations published a report[1] last year suggesting that a drone used in Libya’s civil war selected a target without human control. This signifies a new chapter in human history: A machine that identifies and selects target based on Artificial Intelligence; A machine that makes a decision about human life. The report calls them ‘lethal autonomous weapons systems’, but they are also called ‘killer robots’ or ‘slaughterbots’. These systems raise a number of legal and ethical concerns. Killer robots change the relationship between people and technology by giving life and death decision-making to machines. What we watch in movies is not science fiction anymore. We see the cloud, so we should foresee the storm coming.

Müəllif : Emin Alimusayev Bachelor of Law Graduate from Baku State University Azerbaijan
Nəşr tarixi : 2022
Yüklənmə sayı : 24

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
