Mass media and human rights - ELSA Azərbaycan - Hüquq jurnalı №2 2017


Now we are living in the modern tech- nological world. It is easy to know any type of things with in seconds through out the world. Audios of televisions and internet users increasing day by day. It is easy to protect human rights with the help of mass me- dia. Mass is called as fourth estate. With the help of mass media it is easy to motivate about human rights each state of the citizens in the world. Our daily news papers focusing on human rights. It is true that government of the each states in the world have take good steps to protect human rights because of mass media. It is very important the Poets, Writers and Journalists should take care to protect human rights through their poems, books, novels and articles. The media roles in the area of human right protection can be evaluated based on the media concept which are supposed to be on ethical binding in as much as the media in information dissemination, aims at profit making. The mass media is a tool for success or failure of human right activities and essentially the main components of human rights activities all over the world. There is also a tool of human right abuse or violation exposes through it’s programs and ideas of human rights activities are made for actions and the re-occuring action from the authority concerned. The mass media and the management of human rights is not a subject that can be easily wished away with a ware of the hand. As the mass media continues to daily increase its status as an indispensable part of the body polity of any nation. The issue of the mass media and the management of human rights draw atten- tion from both experts and non experts alike. But the mass media has not really lived up to its billing due to the ownership factor and lack of an enabling environment to operate in. Enabling environment both in terms of the constitutional provision and in the attitude of government. And until the country develops a democratic political culture, and government, be it civilian or military, could always subvert the press at will. With a fledging democratic setting, the mass media is now freer (as compared to military rule) to practice what it know best. And this can only be possible when the constitutional provision as it relates to the practiced of the profession is guaranteed. In the sense that “ex- cept there is a quest for a clear cut constitution- al provision that guarantees the right of jour- nalist to do their job without let or hindrance then not much will be achieved”. Swamy Vivekananda said “We want that ed- ucation by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expand- ed, and by which one can stand on one’s own feet”. It is true. It is our Government duty to give such type of education for each and every student in the country. Through education only we can solve all types of problems. Through education it is easy to motivate peoples about moral values and human rights. Education gives knowledge, strength and creativity. By proper using of technology, it is possible to India to become developed country in the world in future. ‘Save human rights and give safe life to every one’ .

Müəllif : Aynur Abbasova Master degree student at Department of UNESCO Chair on Human Rights and Information Law Law Faculty, Baku State University
Nəşr tarixi : 2017
Yüklənmə sayı : 22

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
