Overcoming Conflicts of Jurisdiction in Virtual Space: An Analysis Based on Case Law and Legal Regulation - International Law And Integration Problems (Scientific-Analytical Journal) №2 2023


Since the virtual space is a borderless space and the established rules are based on the principles of territorial sovereignty, the existing rules and principles must either be changed or new jurisdictional principles need to be created for this space. At present, a number of national courts use principles established by taking into account the interests of their territories or citizens. If any criminal behavior of an individual in the virtual space affects the citizens of many states, there is no universal international source for proportionately compensating the loss. Therefore, there is a need for international cooperation and harmonization of national legal regulations to solve jurisdictional problems in virtual space. Also, the development of common standards around the world may be of particular importance to overcome the limitations of traditional jurisdiction and ensure adequate jurisdiction in cyberspace. The issues mentioned in the article have been studied in detail, and practical suggestions for solving the jurisdictional problem in the virtual space have been presented based on court experience.

Müəllif : Elnur Humbatov
Nəşr tarixi : 2023
Yüklənmə sayı : 35

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
