Powers Of The Court Of Justice Of The European Union - ELSA Azərbaycan - Hüquq jurnalı №3 2018


In this article the main guidelines and activity spheres of the Court of Justice of the European Union are described. The judicial pow- ers and existing factual influence of the Court will be analyzed on the basis of shifting legal opinions. European Court of Justice is one of the main institutions of the European Union which maintains the competences aimed at en- suring effective interpretation and application of the Union law. Through the historical devel- opment of the European Union, the Court has also gained some more powers within which its indirect participation in policy and lawmaking can be noticed.

Müəllif : Aslanova Shahla Sakhavat Master student of Baku State University, Department of Private International law and European law
Nəşr tarixi : 2018
Yüklənmə sayı : 18

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
