Responsibility in traditional contracts and remote contracts - Azərbaycan Hüquq Jurnalı. 2023 (№1)


This paper provides a comprehensive examination of responsibility in traditional and remote contracts. Traditional contracts, formed through direct interaction and written documents, are juxtaposed with remote contracts, which are established online without the physical presence of the parties. While both forms adhere to the fundamental principles of contract law, the unique context of remote contracts introduces additional responsibilities related to technical issues, jurisdictional complications, and data security. Despite the challenges, remote contracts remain bound by the underlying principle of responsibility consistent in contract law, necessitating awareness from all parties involved to ensure fair and secure transactions. This paper underscores the need to understand and adapt to these evolving contractual responsibilities in the digital age.

Müəllif : Farahim Huseynzade - Ph.D Candidate, Baku State University
Nəşr tarixi : 2023
Yüklənmə sayı : 27

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
