The concept of subsidiarity is closely linked to local self-governance within the legal state. Subsidiarity dictates that issues should be resolved by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority. Local self-governance within the institutions of the legal state plays a decisive role in upholding the principle of subsidiarity. Subsidiarity is the fundamental principle of governance, dictating that issues should be resolved by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority capable of effectively addressing them. Subsidiarity is the main principle in the organization and operation of local government. This principle suggests that tasks should be carried out at the lowest level of governance with the necessary authority before being delegated to higher levels. Within the context of local governance, subsidiarity proposes that decisions should be made at the most efficient and effective level possible - at the level of municipalities and even at the level of communities. Local self-governance institutions play a crucial role as the primary mechanism for implementing the principle of subsidiarity, as they are closest to the citizens and are best positioned to understand and respond to their needs.