The Dangerousness Myth: How Courts and Congress Routinely Impose Lifetime Federal Firearm Bans on The Mentally Ill - Baku State University Law Review Volume:8 2022


This article identifies the most damaging forces to gun rights for the mentally ill in the USA. Moreover, the American civil commitment adjudicatory system is critiqued, how state courts routinely apply the dangerousness standard too broadly when making commitment decisions is highlighted, and Congress’ role in exacerbating the problem is pinpointed in the article. The American Psychological Association is also called to issue strict guidelines to psychiatric professionals concerning the legal standard of dangerousness to reduce unnecessary civil commitments in the article. Lastly, the article proposes a Congressional solution to avoid future unconstitutional deprivation of rights.

Müəllif : Robert E. Ranney
Nəşr tarixi : 2022
Yüklənmə sayı : 5

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
