The History Of Corporate Governance - ELSA Azərbaycan - Hüquq jurnalı №2 2017


This article is about the history of corporate governance. The principal objective of a business enterprise is to make money, simply speaking and there is an interrelation between the forms of governance and economic perfor- mance of the organization. Notwithstanding the fact that corporate governance is a relatively new field of study, the history of it is quite old. In order to comprehensively understand this phenomenon and study corporate governance system good corporate governance practice, first of all, its history and development should be studied. The article analyzes the early history of corporations, their structure and development of good corporate governance practices.

Müəllif : Shabnam Taghiyeva Master degree student of civil proceess Law faculty,Baku State University
Nəşr tarixi : 2017
Yüklənmə sayı : 24

Girl in a jacket : Ödənişsiz
