Representatives of the Institute took part in the conference

The final conference dedicated to the presentation of the report “Protection orders in cases of violence against women and domestic violence: international standards and national experience of Azerbaijan” was held on February 22, 2023. The conference was attended by Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Mahammad Guluzade and the legal researcher, Saida Hasanzade.
The report is aimed at supporting the authorized bodies of Azerbaijan in further bringing the domestic legal basis and policies in line with international standards. Attention was also paid to the work carried out within the framework of the “The 2020-2023 National Action Plan on the Prevention of Domestic Violence”. The report highlighted the existing problems related with protection orders in Azerbaijan and recommendations made for further bringing the domestic legal basis in concordance with international standards. Representatives of a number of governmental agencies, non-governmental organizations and journalists were among the participants of the event as well.

Published : 22-02-2023

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