Presentation of the “Virtual Library of Law and Human Rights” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev was held

A public presentation of the “Virtual Library of Law and Human Rights” organized by the Institute of Law and Human Rights (Institute) and supported by the UN Development Programme  was held within the framework of declaring 2023 as the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”. The presentation was dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.

Welcoming the participants of the event, head of the sector on Legal Policy Issues of the Administration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Rustam Gasimov in his opening speech said that “the services of National Leader Heydar Aliyev in the field of establishing activities of highstandards in the legal system of our country, as in other areas, are bearing fruit today. As a result of the radical reforms initiated by him, the development of the legal system in modern Azerbaijan has become a continuous process. The effective legal reforms carried out are currently being successfully continued by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The decrees and orders signed by the head of state ensured the dynamic growth of our country in a short period of time and gave a new impetus to the reforms carried out.” R.Gasimov also stressed that the initiative of the Institute to create a “Virtual Library of Law and Human Rights” will be a great contribution for readers of legal literature.

UN Development Programme Resident Representative a.i. in Azerbaijan, Nuno Quieros noted that the achievement of the “Human Rights - 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals” is one of UNDP's main directions, and expressed confidence that the virtual library will also make a significant contribution to this process.

At the event, Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzada gave detailed information about the important steps taken by Heydar Aliyev in the direction of human rights in our country, and noted that during the 10 years of the Great Leader's activity, 1 Constitution (48 articles are devoted exclusively to human rights), 13 codes, 425 laws, 419 applicable acts on adherence to international instruments, 32 pardon decrees and 7 amnesty acts had been enacted. The head of the Institute also noted that 217 books written by Azerbaijani scientists in three languages on law and human rights were posted for free use in the presented Virtual Library.

MP Bahruz Maharramov praised the creation of a fundamental legal base that studies the origin, development and essence of law, the most common laws and tendencies, and at the same time constitutes general concepts and categories for all legal sciences, and noted that he supports this idea.

It should be noted that the virtual library was created in order to develop legal science in Azerbaijan, legal education of the country's population, their acquisition of new knowledge, as well as dissemination of legal literature and collection of a base of ensuring for innovations in this field.

The virtual library fund consists of a collection of books and articles (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English) on the law and human rights of qualified instructors and professors working in the Law Faculties of universities, legal scholars, researchers, lawyers, lawyers working in various government agencies, as well as public associations.

At the end, a number of scholars who contributed to the enrichment of the virtual library with valuable works in jurisprudence were awarded with the “Certificate of Appreciation”.

The presentation was attended by the representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Ombudsman's Office, government agencies and committees, Members of the Milli Majlis, deans and heads of departments of Law Faculties of universities, as well as library directors, scientists and mass-media representatives.

Published : 11-05-2023

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