The Institute held an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, and Human Rights Day

On December 6, the Institute of Law and Human Rights held an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, the 25th anniversary of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, and Human Rights Day.

At the event, together with the presentation of latterly published books on disparate branches of law by the Institute’s employees, in-depth information about the Institute’s activities over the past 25 years was introduced. In his presentation, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute Mahammad Guluzade pointed out that, within this period, 228 scientific papers were defended, more than 700 students and graduates completed internships, about 1500 books, textbooks and articles were published, more than 150 proposals and commentaries on the laws were prepared at the Institute established on the initiative of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, as well as hundreds of people were involved in human rights trainings.

Contemporaneously, statistical data concerning the number of more than 60,000 downloads from the newly created “Virtual Library of Law and Human Rights” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev were emphasized.

The first Deputy Chair of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Huseynli, the head of the Legal Policy Sector of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Rustam Gasimov, the head of the Human Rights Protection Sector of the Department for Work with Law Enforcement Bodies of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Habib Abdullayev, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) resident representative a.i. Alessandra Roccasalvo, member of the Milli Majlis, SJD Nizami Safarov delivered a speech at the event and spoke about the reforms and accomplishments in the scope of human rights in Azerbaijan.

In the course of discussion themed “Ongoing problems, new priorities and perspectives of legal science in Azerbaijan", legal scholars of miscellaneous higher education institutions and government officials made proposals on the development of legal science and exchanged views on the forthcoming work in this field.

Published : 07-12-2023

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