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Our employees participated in the presentation of the project “Support to strengthening the implementation of European court decisions by Azerbaijan”

On October 21, the Office of the Council of Europe in Baku organized a conference within the framework of the project “Support for strengthening the implementation of European court decisions by Azerbaijan” After the project presentation the speeches on the following topics were delivered: “The role of the Supreme Court in the implementation of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights”, “Best practices in the implementation of the judgments of the European Court by member states”, “Organization of continuing education of legal professionals: achievements and challenges” and “The role of the lawyers in the functioning of human rights protection mechanisms”. Our Institute was represented at the conference by Ali Rzayev and Farid Alakbarov PhD, Professors.

The Institute's chairman of the Board held a meeting in the OSCE Office in Vienna

On October 20, 2022, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Mahammad Guluzade met with Mr. Evan Carr, an employee of the OSCE Special Representative for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings at the Vienna Office. Mahammad Guluzade gave detailed information to the OSCE representative about the Institute's new activities and future plans. Mr. Carr, in turn, reported on the latest activities and researches of the OSCE in the field of combating human trafficking. He also provided extensive information about the preparation of a training module on human trafficking for judges, capacity-building activities for law enforcement authorities in this area, preparation of handbook for parliamentarians on the legislative standards of human trafficking, conducting a survey on the coercion of children into begging and other latest activities of the OSCE.

Our colleague Ilham Aliyev made a speech at the 3rd International Forum of Caucasus Studies Scholars

On October 19-20, the Presidium of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Caucasian Studies Institute of ANAS jointly organized the 3rd International Forum of Caucasian Studies Scholars in Baku. Ilham Aliyev, PhD in Law represented our Institute at the forum and spoke on “The Patriotic War and its Legal Consequences”. The speaker noted that regarding the mentioned conflict the Republic of Azerbaijan was firmly defending the principles of territorial integrity and inviolability of the state borders in accordance with the principles of international law and the opinion of the international community . He stated that the main way of ending an international armed conflict is reaching an agreement on general reconciliation.

Our training staff participated in training sessions

On October 17-18, UNDP office in Azerbaijan organized a training on the topic “Training sessions of trainers on Business and Human Rights and on the role of national human rights institutions for experts from local national human rights institutions”. The training was held within the framework of the project “Updating the human rights approach through institutional capacity building in Azerbaijan”. . The training was led by Professor Jernej Letnar Chernich, an employee of the New University of Slovenia, PhD in Law.

October 18 - Day of Restoration of Independence of Azerbaijan.

October 18 is a significant day, inscribed with honor and pride in the history of the Azerbaijani people. As a result of the collapse of the USSR, the Azerbaijani people gained state independence for the second time. After the discussions held on October 8, 1991, at an extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan the Constitutional Act “On State Independence” was adopted on October 18 . The Constitutional Act contains the fundamental principles of political and economic relations, the ownership of natural resources by the people, equality of all forms of property, the right of citizens to vote and the provision of a multi-party system. Since October 18, 1991, Azerbaijan has been an independent, sovereign country, and the people annually celebrate this date as a holiday. We, in our turn, want the independence of our state to be eternal and unshakable.

Institute of Law and Human Rights announces the logo contest!

Submitted logo proposals are expected to meet the following requirements: 1. Taking into account the activities and goals of the Institute of Law and Human Rights in the design concept; 2. The logo must be memorable; 3. The logo must be in png, pdf format; 4. There are no special requirements for color, but when developing a logo the contest participant should take into consideration the field of the activity contest organizer is engaged with; 5. No plagiarism; 6. It is desirable to send the logo along with its disclosure and explanation.

A meeting was held with the employees of the Institute of Law and Human Rights

Today, Samir Mahmudov, executive director of the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives established by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, introduced the newly appointed head of the Institute of Law and Human Rights. The Chairman of the Board of the Institute, Mahammad Guluzade, greeted the team, acquainted the employees with the directions mentioned in the Charter of the newly created organization and clarified the upcoming plans and innovations. Since the Institute has the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activity as a public legal entity, its participation in international projects and cooperation with international organizations in this regard are included in its future plans.
