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The head of our Institute took part in the UN event

On November 10-11, 2022, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights Mahammad Guluzade took part in the “3rd UN Regional Forum on Business and Human Rights in Eastern Europe and Central Asia”, organized by the UNDP in Istanbul.

An article of our employee was published in AzerTac

On November 12, an article entitled “The Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan is our source of pride” by Ilham Malik oglu Aliyev, PhD in Law, an employee of the Institute of Law and Human Rights was published in AzerTac.

An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Mammad Khalafov was held

On November 10, the Institute’s member staff, Saida Hasanzade, participated in an event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding legal scholar, Doctor of Law, Professor Mammad Khalafov at Baku State University. At the event, the participants were informed that Mammad Khalafov played an invaluable role in the development of legal science in Azerbaijan, in the training of legal personnel, and he was example of a person who left a rich scientific heritage to future generations.

A new article of our colleague Gunay Aliyeva was published

An article by Gunay Sahhat gizi Aliyeva, an employee of our institute, entitled “The statehood policy of Heydar Aliyev in the construction of an independent legal state of Azerbaijan” was published. The article was included into materials of the scientific-theoretical conference “Modern theoretical and practical approaches in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms in the 21st century” on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the birth of national leader Haydar Aliyev and was held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Our lawyers participated in discussions online

On November 7 and 8, lawyers of our Institute, Ilham Aliyev and Zaur Ahmadov, participated in online discussions on topic “Mediation and Forensic Expertise: Gender Differences in the Justice System and Access to Justice for Vulnerable Marginal Groups”. During the discussions, the importance of the effectiveness of mediation, the provision of quality mediation services and the principle of citizen satisfaction, the removal of obstacles in the work of the defense, the provision of quality legal assistance services were highlighted. At the same time, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the lawyer's request, it was pointed out that it is necessary to determine the deadlines for responding to these requests legally.

A new article by our colleague, Ilham Aliyev was published

An article by Ilham Malik oglu Aliyev, an employee of our Institute, “Issues of morality in law-making” was published. The article was included into materials of the scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Modern theoretical and practical approaches to the protection of human rights and freedoms in the 21st century”, organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan and dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev.

A meeting dedicated to the Victory Day was held in the YAP Yasamal district organization

An event entitled “Chronicle of Heroism” and dedicated to the “Victory Day” was held on November 4. . The event was jointly held by the Yasamal district organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP), Executive power of Yasamal district and the Ministry of Defense. The event was attended by deputies of the Milli Majlis, employees of relevant state institutions and committees, members of families of martyrs, veterans and media representatives.

The Free Trade Union held its regular meeting

On November 4 was held the regular meeting of the Free Trade Union of ANAS. At the meeting, the Chairman of the Free Trade Union, Professor Habil Gurbanov spoke about the historical significance of the 44-day Patriotic War and congratulated the participants on the Victory Day. Then, a minute of silence was observed in memory of the martyrs who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

A meeting with the former judge of the Supreme Court, Vafaddin Ibayev was held at the Institute

On November 3, a meeting with the former judge of the Supreme Court, Vafaddin Ibayev was held at the Institute of Law and Human Rights. During the meeting, the participants analyzed and discussed the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms, violations in connection with the application of Article 5 of the Convention and the decision of the European Court against Azerbaijan in cases considered under this Article - the right to security (Nagiyev, Garayev, Shanturk, etc. ).

Held a training on joint work on Word texts

On November 3, our employee Anar Mustafayev conducted training on the topic “Joint work on texts and review function in Word” at the Institute. At the training organized for the Institute’s staff members, A.Mustafayev presented information on the design of documents according to the requirements and the use of special tools for joint work on documents.
