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The head of the Institute took part in the conference

On November 18, 2022, the Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights (“Institute”), Mahammad Guluzade participated in the conference: “Public participation: transparency, accountability and openness of information”. M. Guluzade, speaking at the conference, presented detailed information about the Institute, noting that in order to ensure transparency and openness of information, the Institute activity information is regularly posted on the website and Facebook.

An event in the Yasamal district organization of the YAP was held

On November 16, the Chairman of the first party organization of the New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) at the Institute, Ilgar Khalilov, took part in an event organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the party in YAP Yasamal district organization. The event participants were informed that YAP, created on the initiative and with the direct participation of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, plays an important role in the development of our country. Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Chairman of YAP Ilham Aliyev, the party has become the leading political force not only in our country, but also in the region.

Training on the topic “Intellectual Property” was held

On November 17, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Professor Kamran Behbudov conducted training on the topic: “Intellectual property legislation. Problems and Prospects of Development in Azerbaijan”. At the training organized for the staff of the Institute, the essence of the concept of “Intellectual Property” was touched upon and such issues as the role of intellectual property in the context of modern civilization were analyzed. During the training, information was provided on the “Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property”, which entered into force in 1883, and the “Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works” in 1886.

An article by our employee was published in Russia

An article in English titled “Institute of the Real Estate in the State and Legal History of France and England in the Middle Ages” by an employee of our Institute, Emin Dadashev, was published in Russia. The article was included in the collection of articles of the international scientific-practical conference “Actual issues of the development of economics and jurisprudence”, held on November 14.

Training on Human Rights disputes was held

On November 15, at the Institute of Law and Human Rights, Professor Farhad Mehdiyev conducted training on the topic: “Criteria ratione materiae when referring human rights disputes to international tribunals”. At the training organized for the staff of the Institute, the issue of the origin of the Latin term “ratione materiae” taken from Roman law and the application of other terms in the decisions of the International Court of Justice in the modern era was raised. Issues such as the Case Law of the European Court of Justice, negative and positive obligations of states, and racial discrimination were also discussed.

An article by Shalala Hasanova was published

The article "Legislation on liability for infringement of copyright and related rights" by an employee of our Institute, Shalala Gasanova, was published. The article was printed on the materials of the scientific-theoretical conference: "Modern theoretical and practical approaches to the protection of human rights and freedoms in the XXI century", dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Institute of Law and Human Rights is included in the On Think Tanks databas

Since November 15, 2022, the Institute of Law and Human Rights has been included in the On Think Tanks (OTT) platform, which is a global database of think tanks.The OTT platform has been operating since 2010 and contains information about “think tanks” in different countries. Currently, users in 160 countries use the OTT platform.

An article by our scientist was published

An article by Sevinj Huseynova, an employee of our Institute, “Public danger and the legal nature of environmental crimes” was published. The article was prepared based on the materials of the scientific-theoretical conference on the topic “Modern theoretical and practical approaches to the protection of human rights and freedoms in the 21st century”, dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev, and held by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

An article by our employees has been published in Russia

An article entitled “Crimes in the field of cyber security and information in Azerbaijan” was published in co-authorship of the employees of the department of Legal support of state security of our Institute Mahammad Imanli, Khayala Kalashova and Maral Hasanova. The article was included into materials of the scientific-practical conference “Criminal Law and Investigative Activities: Legislative, Scientific and Practical Problems” held on April 28-29 in Moscow.

An article by Abbas Islamov entitled “Political curiosities of the Iranian theocracy” was published

The article “Political curiosities of the Iranian theocracy” by an employee of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, researcher Abbas Islamov was published on the website of the Center for Caucasian History. It describes the features of Iran's policy towards the Republic of Azerbaijan at the present stage of history. The article tells that during the entire period of the military occupation of the territory of Azerbaijan by the armed forces of Armenia, the leadership of Iran constantly avoided harsh condemnation of the Armenian aggression.
