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Our employees took part in the presentation ceremony of the report “CSO Sustainability Index – 2021”

On December 13, employees of our Institute Narmin Hasanova, Gunel Aliyeva and Araz Abdullasoy took part in the presentation ceremony of the report "CSO Sustainability Index - 2021", prepared in the framework of cooperation between ICNL and MG Consulting LLC with financial support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The event was held with the aim of presenting the report on the Civil Society Organizations Development Index (USAID Sustainability Index) of Azerbaijan for 2021 to the public.

In December, the Head of our Institute took part in a number of events

On December 7-9, 2022, Mahammad Guluzade, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Law and Human Rights, took part in a number of events dedicated to Human Rights Day. The events were organized by the UN, the European Union, the British Embassy and the Faculty of Law of Baku State University. Speaking at an event organized by the Faculty of Law of BSU in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mahammad Guluzade told in detail about the Institute of Law and Human Rights, the importance of protecting fundamental human rights and freedoms, the activities implemented in this area in our country, as well as the accession by the Republic of Azerbaijan to all international documents and conventions on human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and emphasized the implementation of international legal norms in national legislation.

An article by our employee was published in an impact factor journal in Russia

An article by an employee of our institute Emin Dadashev on the topic “The Scientists` view of point related to the concept of living space” was published in Russia. The article was included in the collection of articles of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference “Jurisprudence, State and Law: Current Issues and Modern Aspects” held on December 5 in Penza. The article notes that issues related to the definitions given by living space in the legal literature still cause discussions among scientists.

12 December is the Memorial Day of National Leader Heydar Aliyev

December 12 is a Memorial Day of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, architect and founder of modern Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev. Great personalities play a great role in the history of every nation, in the formation, existence and development of each state. Their role in state building is to bring people together to achieve a common goal, the formation of the people as an organized force, the ability to lead them, political flair and managerial qualities, and etc. provide grounds for recognizing such individuals as leaders. The existence of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which regained its independence at the end of the 20th century and today has become one of the fastest growing states in the world, is the result of the historical and unprecedented activity of Heydar Aliyev, who created the modern history of Azerbaijan, and the people rightly consider him as a national leader.

The competition dedicated to Human Rights Day was completed

The competition dedicated to the International Day of Human Rights - December 10, conducted by the Institute of Law and Human Rights as a public legal entity, came to the end. Students of bachelor's and master's degrees of legal and journalistic specialties of universities took part in the competition. 3 students of the Faculty of Law of BSU - Einaddin Gabibov, Arzu Shukurova and Shahid Magherramli, who showed the highest results in the nomination “Jurisprudence”, as well as 4 students of the Faculty of Journalism of BSU, who showed the highest results in the nomination “Journalism” - Nurana Kulieva, Isa Taralov, Shams Huseynli and Elshan Soltanzade became winners.

Our employee Gunel Aliyeva took part in the webinar

On December 8, the Baku Office of the Council of Europe organized a presentation on the topic: “Domestic Violence as a Violation of Human Rights”. Under the moderation of the project manager Parvana Bayramova, a presentation was made by Latif Huseynov, the judge of the European Court of Human Rights and Jeyhun Garajayev, the judge of the Constitutional Court. Our employee Gunel Aliyeva also took part in the webinar held on the ZOOM platform.

The Institute hosted a round table dedicated to December 10 - International Human Rights Day

On December 8, a round table dedicated to December 10 - Human Rights Day was held. The event was jointly organized by the Center for Legal Expertise and Legislative Initiatives (Center) and the Institute of Law and Human Rights (Institute). The event was aimed to discuss the adopted legal acts and the work done in the field of human rights in our country over the past year, the role of the Center and the Institute in the field of human rights protection and the experience of various partners in this field.

An article by Emin Dadashev was published

An article by Emin Dadashev, an employee of our Institute, entitled “The necessity of changing Article 12.5 of the Housing Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan” was included in the collection of materials of the republican scientific-practical conference “The role of Heydar Aliyev in the formation of the modern Azerbaijani state”. The article points out that the expression “premises” often used in housing law literature and in practice is ambiguous.

An article by our lawyer “Realization of the right to housing” was published

An article by Emin Dadashev, an employee of our Institute, “Realization of the right to housing”, was published in the collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference on the topic: “History of Science and Science Studies: Interdisciplinary Research”, held by the Institute of the History of Science of ANAS. The article points out that today the housing problem is one of the problems of socio-economic importance. According to Article 43 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 12, 1995, entitled “The right to housing”, no one can be illegally deprived of housing.
